
Proverbs of A Broken Man

Revelations of A Broken Man

 It was January 2, 2015, when I received the greatest blessing of my life. I was at the bottom, with no hope, when I finally cried out to God and asked Him to please kill me. That’s when I physically heard His voice in my ear, and He told me, “No.” It was the greatest “no” I ever heard. I then asked Him to tell me what to do and I will do it. Ever since then, I have been doing the best I can to do just that. Now, I’m no one special, I have no particular talents. I’m just an average guy, but God told me that He would not only restore me but make me better than ever before. Situations are still the same, but He has given me a whole new perspective. He has brought me to a whole new level of existence. Now, I’m doing things I never dreamed possible, like writing this book. I’m not a book writer, but the Lord has given me everything in it. All I had to do is listen and believe. God does not lie. Trust in Him and you, too, will be healed.

January 2, 2015 was the greatest revelation of my life. That’s the day god revealed himself to me. It wasn’t in the form of a burning bush or a whirlwind, but a small whisper, but it was the most profound whisper I ever heard. It changed my life and he is still whispering to me today, all I have to do is listen. We are all capable of hearing the voice of god, we just have to be willing to listen. I pray that you too will be willing to open your heart and ears to the loving voice of god.